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Find Your Perfect Floor – Maryland Flooring Installation & Refinishing

Tired floors holding your space back? We’ll help you find the perfect flooring solution. From hardwood to luxury vinyl, we offer expert installation and beautiful results. Whether you’re looking at the classic elegance of hardwood, the modern versatility of luxury vinyl, or the timeless appeal of tile, we’re here to guide you through the selection process with expertise and care. Our team specializes in both installation and refinishing, guaranteeing your floors are not only beautifully installed but also maintain their look over time. Let us help you select and install the ideal flooring that reflects your style and meets your needs, turning every room into a personal statement.

Hardwood Flooring

Hardwood Elegance

There’s nothing quite like the warmth and natural beauty of wood to make a house feel like a home. Discover the timeless elegance of hardwood flooring with us. Our selection of hardwood floors spans from classic oaks and maples to exotic woods, each offering unique grains and shades to suit any decor. Professionally installed and finished by our expert team, your hardwood floors will not only look stunning but also stand the test of time. We pride ourselves on meticulous installation and finishing techniques that highlight the wood’s natural beauty while ensuring durability and longevity. Choose hardwood elegance for a floor that becomes more than just a surface – it becomes a centerpiece of your home.

Vinyl Flooring

Custom Tile & Luxury Vinyl

Imagine floors that are as gorgeous as they are tough! That’s what you get with our luxury vinyl and tile options. Perfect for every room in your home, these floors give you unbeatable style, ultimate durability, and super easy cleaning. Love the look of hardwood or stone? Luxury vinyl gives you that classic beauty, but it’s also waterproof and scratch-resistant, which is perfect for busy families, pets, and spill-prone areas like kitchens and bathrooms. Want a truly timeless look? Tile is always in style! It’s incredibly strong and comes in a zillion designs – sleek, modern, colorful, and patterned. No matter which style you choose, our expert installers will make your new floors look flawless and give them a perfect fit that will last for years. Our specialists are ready to help you create the flooring solutions to give you the style and durability you need.

Refinishing Magic

Our skilled team will meticulously sand away the years of wear, revealing the hidden beauty of your natural wood.  We’ll address any scratches or dents, then stain and finish your floors to a radiant shine.  It’s more than just a refresh – it’s a complete transformation! Refinishing isn’t just about looks. It also protects your floors, making them more resistant to future wear and tear.  It’s an investment that will keep your hardwoods looking beautiful for years to come. Don’t let tired floors drag down your entire space.  Unlock the potential beneath your feet with our refinishing services. We’ll transform your floors and protect them, all while enhancing the natural beauty of your home.

Experience the Kitchen & Bath Outfitters Difference Today!