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More Space, More Possibilities – Maryland Accessory Dwelling Units

Need extra living space but don’t want to move? An ADU could be the answer!  Whether you’re looking to accommodate family members, host guests, or generate rental income, ADUs provide a flexible and efficient option. At Kitchen & Bath Outfitters, we specialize in custom ADU design and construction, tailoring each project to your specific needs and desires. Our experienced team works closely with you every step of the way, ensuring your addition not only meets but exceeds your expectations.

Modern Bedroom with King Size Bed

The ‘In-Law’ Solution

Create a space that offers comfort, independence, and closeness for your loved ones with our custom ‘In-Law’ ADU solutions. These tailored living spaces provide the perfect balance of privacy and proximity, allowing family members to live nearby while maintaining their independence. Our thoughtful designs ensure that each ‘In-Law’ suite is equipped with all the comforts and amenities of a standalone home, crafted to accommodate the unique needs of your family. With us, you can give the gift of closeness without compromising on personal space, making it easier than ever to keep your loved ones close.

ADU Home

Rental Income Potential

Transform your property into a source of passive income with a beautifully designed ADU. Whether you’re looking to offset your mortgage payments or establish a steady revenue stream, our team  can help you unlock the income potential of your home. We specialize in creating ADUs that are not only comfortable and stylish but also highly desirable for renters. By focusing on quality, functionality, and aesthetic appeal, we ensure your ADU stands out in the rental market, providing you with a lucrative investment that pays dividends for years to come. Explore the financial benefits of ADU ownership and start generating income with your property today.

Your Design, Our Expertise

Your vision is our blueprint. We believe in bringing your unique ADU dreams to life, from cozy studios to expansive multi-room dwellings. Our team combines your design aspirations with our construction expertise to create spaces that are both beautiful and practical. We’re committed to excellence in every detail, ensuring your ADU not only meets but enhances your lifestyle. Whether you’re envisioning a quaint artist’s studio, a modern office space, or a comfortable guest house, our experts are ready to guide you through the design and construction process, making your dream ADU a reality. With Kitchen & Bath Outfitters, your ideal addition is just a collaboration away.

Experience the Kitchen & Bath Outfitters Difference Today!